Forum Discussion
Jitendra Bhosale
Apr 09, 2018Copper Contributor
Search-AdminAuditLog The attempt to search the administrator audit log failed. Please try again late
Hi All,
Getting below error while running command on our Exchange 2016 server. We have 2 servers and same error on both servers. Its hybrid environment with O365 but no any mailboxes on-premise. All mailboxes are in cloud. However, not able to run command to check audit logs.
PS] C:\Windows\system32>Search-AdminAuditLog
he attempt to search the administrator audit log failed. Please try again later.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Search-AdminAuditLog], AdminAuditLogSearchException
Already check
Microsoft Exchange Search and the Microsoft Exchange Search Host Controller service and they are running fine.
Then, run the get-mailbox -arbitration cmdlet to check if the DiscoverSearchMailbox is existed But output showing nothing.
Check permissions but all roles are fine and admin member of that group. Still getting error.
Please help.
- Mitch KingIron Contributor
If the arbitration mailboxes are missing you need to reun setup /PrepareAD to recreate them
- Jitendra BhosaleCopper Contributor
Thanks Mitch for responding.
but when we check more on that we found discovery mailboxes. It was because of ViewEntireForest false we were not able see it.
Do you have any other suggestion
- Mitch KingIron Contributor
Are you in the Records Management role group?