Forum Discussion

Cody Henschel's avatar
Cody Henschel
Copper Contributor
Sep 13, 2017

Remove/Disable junk in OWA


We use a secondary service for junk/phishing protection and would prefer not to have the microsoft "report junk/phishing" in the mix as well.


We have created and assigned an OWA policy to users to disable junk and junk reporting

JunkEmailEnabled                                     : False
ReportJunkEmailEnabled                               : False

When I log in as the user who has this assigned, I still see, and I can still send junk reports.


This is for Exchange 2016 on prem.

  • Cody Henschel's avatar
    Cody Henschel
    Copper Contributor
    I think I needed to employ more patience... I had forced replication for the change, logged out/cleared cookies etc...

    20 minutes later it was working as expected.
