Forum Discussion

tcboeira's avatar
Brass Contributor
Apr 29, 2024

How to list meetings created by a specific user in Exchange Online?

Hello everyone, everything good?


Well, although I read and insisted on reading the existing documentation, I didn't find a way to list the meetings created by a specific user in Exchange Online.
I can even list everything in a calendar BUT not what was created by a specific user in a given period.
Has anyone already done something in this regard?
  • Can you provide some additional context here? Is this for purposes of eDiscovery, or?
    • tcboeira's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Thanks for your feedback...



      I don't know if I understood the question correctly. What I would like to do is list, for example, all meetings created by the user "Vasil Michev". This is a demand requested by the user's superiors. 3. When some time ago I needed to search for and delete calendars created by user X in user box A, for example, I did the following:



      $NAMESEARCH = "Search Name"
      $NAMEMAIL = "email address removed for privacy reasons"
      $USER_EMAIL = "email address removed for privacy reasons"
      $DATE = "2024-02-26"
      $SUBJECT = "Meeting Title"
      New-ComplianceSearch -Name $NAMESEARCH -ExchangeLocation $NAMEMAIL -ContentMatchQuery "(kind:meetings) AND (Received:$DATE) AND (From:$USER_EMAIL) AND (Subject:$SUBJECT)"
      Start-ComplianceSearch -Identity $NAMESEARCH
      New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName $NAMESEARCH -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete -Confirm:$false


      Initially I thought I could use the same mode, after all it would just be a list of events created in a certain period, without executing "New-ComplianceSearchAction" but it didn't have the desired effect.

      I don't know if I was clear enough, but I remain at your disposal for any information or clarification that may be necessary.
