Forum Discussion
Apr 29, 2024Brass Contributor
How to list meetings created by a specific user in Exchange Online?
Hello everyone, everything good?
Well, although I read and insisted on reading the existing documentation, I didn't find a way to list the meetings created by a specific user in Exchange Online.
I can even list everything in a calendar BUT not what was created by a specific user in a given period.
Has anyone already done something in this regard?
- Right. So in your example query, you are covering all "meeting" items. If you want to cover just meeting request, do not use the "kind" keyword, but the ItemClass one, with value of IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request.
Also take a look at the Remove-CalendarEvents cmdlet for future use:
- Can you provide some additional context here? Is this for purposes of eDiscovery, or?
- tcboeiraBrass Contributor
Thanks for your feedback...I don't know if I understood the question correctly. What I would like to do is list, for example, all meetings created by the user "Vasil Michev". This is a demand requested by the user's superiors. 3. When some time ago I needed to search for and delete calendars created by user X in user box A, for example, I did the following:
$NAMESEARCH = "Search Name" $NAMEMAIL = "email address removed for privacy reasons" $USER_EMAIL = "email address removed for privacy reasons" $DATE = "2024-02-26" $SUBJECT = "Meeting Title" New-ComplianceSearch -Name $NAMESEARCH -ExchangeLocation $NAMEMAIL -ContentMatchQuery "(kind:meetings) AND (Received:$DATE) AND (From:$USER_EMAIL) AND (Subject:$SUBJECT)" Start-ComplianceSearch -Identity $NAMESEARCH New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName $NAMESEARCH -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete -Confirm:$false
Initially I thought I could use the same mode, after all it would just be a list of events created in a certain period, without executing "New-ComplianceSearchAction" but it didn't have the desired effect.
I don't know if I was clear enough, but I remain at your disposal for any information or clarification that may be necessary.- Right. So in your example query, you are covering all "meeting" items. If you want to cover just meeting request, do not use the "kind" keyword, but the ItemClass one, with value of IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request.
Also take a look at the Remove-CalendarEvents cmdlet for future use: