Forum Discussion
Jason Henson
Dec 08, 2021Copper Contributor
Aggregating 2 peoples calendars in MS Bookings so they look like one set of availability
I have two employees. One is a Sales Person and the other is a Sales Engineer. I want my customers to be able to view Microsoft Booking and see a singular set of available times that works across both people's calendars. Can that be done?
- surajbudhaniMicrosoft
Jason Henson
There is no option to do this from Exchange unless you are using a Shared Calendar. However, you can find a relevant and more feature specific answer if you post your query in Microsoft Bookings - Microsoft Tech Community- Jason HensonCopper ContributorThank you. I appreciate that direction and your response. I did repost it there. We'll see if the Bookings community has any thoughts on it as well. I appreciate you.