Forum Discussion
Apr 28, 2022Brass Contributor
VBA Find (What:="") tied to dropdown list box
In the VBA Find(What:=), I want the What:=" " to get it's value from a drop down list box in sheet1. I have two worksheets, 1) sheet with three dropdown list boxes 2) sheet with unstructured data w...
- May 02, 2022
Hi Fred,
I see the mistake that I made. I hope that the attached version works correctly. You'll notice that there is no Teams dropdown anymore. It isn't needed because the macro loops through all teams.
You only need to select a week, then click the button.
Apr 25, 2023Brass Contributor
Hello Hans,
Last time you helped I wanted to count the number of drives each team made per week throughout the 22-week season. That information came from the Driveworksheet, but it has data other than the number of drives. It also gives the results of those drives. Particularly, it tells you if the drive ended in a touchdown or a field goal.
What I want to do now is again count the number of drives and also count the number of touchdowns and field goals. It appeared to me that capturing that data on another worksheet would be best. That worksheet is named Drive Count.
I think that you can read the macro code and see how we get to the Drives. From there to get to the touchdowns and field goals you would offset 7 columns right. And you would be looking at the same row numbers that the drives were counted. For example: if the drives were in the range B12:B22 the touchdowns and field goals would be in I12:I22.
I hope that explains what I want to do. I'll try to clarify any questions you have.
Apr 25, 2023MVP
Could you attach a version of the Drive Count sheet with some dummy data? The one you posted earlier doesn't have any data whatsoever.
Or do I have to look at the DriveWorksheet? I'm getting more and more confused...
- fredc2022May 18, 2023Brass Contributor
Hans, kudos to you for another GREAT JOB!
If I only had part of your knowledge.
Again, thank you so much for your help, not only for myself but all the others you help.
- HansVogelaarMay 17, 2023MVP
Thanks, I think I finally understand. Se if this version does what you want:
Sub FIND_TEAMNAME_WEEK_DRIVES_HOME_AND_AWAY_ED7_15MAY23() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wt As Worksheet Dim r As Long Dim m As Long Dim tm As String Dim wk As String Dim dr As String Dim rg As Range Dim rg2 As Range Dim homeRange As Range Dim awayRange As Range Dim n As Variant Dim c As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set ws = Worksheets("DRIVEWORKSHEET") Set wt = Worksheets("DROPDOWNLISTBOX") ' Get Call Week in DROPDOWNLISTBOX cell D2 wk = wt.Range("D2").Value c = Split(wk)(1) m = wt.Range("I3").End(xlDown).Row ' Set the HOME and AWAY fill data areas Set homeRange = wt.Range("AL1:BG35") Set awayRange = wt.Range("BK1:CF35") Debug.Print wt.Range("AL4:BG35").Address Debug.Print wt.Range("BK4:CF35").Address For r = 4 To m ' Get Team Name from DROPDOWNLISTBOX column I tm = wt.Range("I" & r).Value Debug.Print "Team Name: " & tm ' Find Team Name from line above in the DRIVEWORKSHEET Set rg = ws.Range("B:D").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then ' Find the Call Week Number from DROPDOWNLISTBOX cell D2 in DRIVEWORKSHEET Set rg = rg.Offset(1).EntireRow.Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then ' Get the Drive Name from the DROPDOWNLISTBOX column J Find in the DRIVEWORKSHEET dr = wt.Range("J" & r).Value Debug.Print "Drive Name: " & dr ' Find Drive Name in the DRIVEWORKSHEET Set rg = rg.Offset(0, -3) Set rg2 = rg.EntireColumn.Find(What:=dr, After:=rg, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg2 Is Nothing Then ' Get value of Drives Count from DRIVEWORKSHEET n = rg2.Offset(5).End(xlDown).Value Debug.Print "Drive Count: " & n If rg2.Row - rg.Row = 1 Then ' It is a home data ' Put the count data in the HOME range homeRange.Cells(r, c).Value = n Debug.Print "Putting count in HOME range" Else ' It is an away data ' Put the count data in the AWAY range awayRange.Cells(r, c).Value = n Debug.Print "Putting count in AWAY range" End If End If End If End If Next r Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
- fredc2022May 17, 2023Brass Contributor
I'll try to clarify this as best I can and hope I don't confuse you more.
Here is your original code. This code works with two worksheets, 1) DROPDOWNLISTBOX, AND 2) DRIVEWORKSHEET. The DRIVEWORKSHEET holds the data that I want to find. TheDROPDOWNLISTBOX has a drop-down list box with weeks 1 thru 22 to pick from. The worksheet also holds in column (I) the Team Names and in column (J) the Drive Names of each team. It also has the original range where the Drive Numbers counted would be copied. That range is (L4:Ag35). Above that range are Week Number headers, Week 1 thru Week 22. The code below accomplished that.
I have added a Home (AL4:BG35) and an Away (BK4:CF35) range in the DROPDOWNLISTBOX with the same headers for Week 1 thru Week 22 for both.
What I want to do now is the same thing but I want to sort the drives into Home and Away. And to do that we need to look at the structured layout of the data worksheet DRIVEWORKSHEET. The original code does several lookups, 1) finds the Team Name, 2) xldowns I row to find the Week Number, then offsets 3 columns left to find the Drive Names. The Drive Name for the Team Name being looked up could be in either one row down (Home) or 25 rows down (Away).
And that is where I need your help. Modify the code so when the Drive Name is found, then determine if it's Home (row 1)or Away (row 25) and populate the drive count number into the proper range.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wt As Worksheet
Dim wu As Worksheet
Dim r As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim tm As String
Dim wk As String
Dim dr As String
Dim rg As Range
Dim n As Long
Dim nt As Long
Dim nf As Long
Dim rc As Range
Dim u As Long
Dim v As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ws = Worksheets("DRIVEWORKSHEET")
Set wt = Worksheets("DROPDOWNLISTBOX")
Set wu = Worksheets("Drive Count")
' Get Call Week Number from DROPDOWNLISTBOX COLUMN D2
wk = wt.Range("D2").Value
m = wt.Range("I3").End(xlDown).Row
For r = 4 To m
tm = wt.Range("I" & r).Value
' Find Team Name from DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = ws.Range("B:D").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Find Week Number in the DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = rg.Offset(1).EntireRow.Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Find Drive Name from DROPDOWNLISTBOX column J
dr = wt.Range("J" & r).Value
' Find Drive Name on DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = rg.Offset(0, -3)
Set rg = rg.EntireColumn.Find(What:=dr, After:=rg, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Get values (Count) for Touchdowns, and Field Goals from DRIVEWORKSHEET
n = rg.Offset(5).End(xlDown).Value
' Reset touchdown count and field goal count
nt = 0
nf = 0
' Count touchdowns and field goals
For Each rc In rg.Offset(6, 7).Resize(n)
Select Case rc.Value
Case "Touchdown"
nt = nt + 1
Case "Field Goal"
nf = nf + 1
End Select
Next rc
Set rg = wt.Range("3:3").Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Populate cell
wt.Cells(r, rg.Column).Value = n
End If
' Find team on Drive count
Set rg = wu.Range("B:B").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
u = rg.Row
' Find week on Drive Count
Set rg = wu.Range("3:3").Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
v = rg.Column
' Fill Drives, Touchdowns,and Field Goals in DRIVE COUNT WORKSHEET
wu.Cells(u, v - 1).Value = n
If nt > 0 Then
wu.Cells(u, v).Value = nt
End If
If nf > 0 Then
wu.Cells(u, v + 1).Value = nf
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next r
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub - HansVogelaarMay 16, 2023MVP
I composed my previous reply while you added a new reply. I haven't read that one yet...
- HansVogelaarMay 16, 2023MVP
I have no idea what your code tries to do.
The line
If IsNumeric(n) Then
is useless - n is ALWAYS numeric, as far as I can tell.
And in the line
If rg.Row = 1 Then
rg.Row will NEVER be 1, for rg is the range containing the drive, i.e. in row 6, 30, etc.
- fredc2022May 16, 2023Brass ContributorHANS,
I Think this part is what I'm missing and where it need to be modified to determine a 'Home' drive or an 'Away' Drive.
Set rg = wt.Range("3:3").Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then"
Then use the "1 row down' for home and 25 down for away.
As this finds the copy to in the old code.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wt As Worksheet
Dim r As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim tm As String
Dim wk As String
Dim dr As String
Dim rg As Range
Dim homeRange As Range
Dim awayRange As Range
Dim n As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ws = Worksheets("DRIVEWORKSHEET")
Set wt = Worksheets("DROPDOWNLISTBOX")
' Get Call Week in DROPDOWNLISTBOX cell D2
wk = wt.Range("D2").Value
m = wt.Range("I3").End(xlDown).Row
' Set the HOME and AWAY fill data areas
Set homeRange = wt.Range("AL4:BG35")
Set awayRange = wt.Range("BK4:CF35")
For r = 4 To m
' Get Team Name from DROPDOWNLISTBOX column I
tm = wt.Range("I" & r).Value
Debug.Print "Team Name: " & tm
' Find Team Name from line above in the DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = ws.Range("B:D").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Find the Call Week Number from DROPDOWNLISTBOX cell D2 in DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = rg.Offset(1).EntireRow.Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Get the Drive Name from the DROPDOWNLISTBOX column J Find in the DRIVEWORKSHEET
dr = wt.Range("J" & r).Value
Debug.Print "Drive Name: " & dr
' Find Drive Name in the DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = rg.Offset(0, -3)
Set rg = rg.EntireColumn.Find(What:=dr, After:=rg, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Get value of Drives Count from DRIVEWORKSHEET
n = rg.Offset(5).End(xlDown).Value
Debug.Print "Drive Count: " & n
Set rg = wt.Range("3:3").Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Convert n to a numeric type before assigning to the cell value
Dim countValue As Double
If IsNumeric(n) Then
countValue = CDbl(n)
If rg.Row = 1 Then
' It is a home data
' Put the count data in the HOME range
homeRange.Cells(r, homeRange.Column + (wk - 1)).Value = countValue
Debug.Print "Putting count in HOME range"
' It is an away data
' Put the count data in the AWAY range
awayRange.Cells(r, awayRange.Column + (wk - 1)).Value = countValue
Debug.Print "Putting count in AWAY range"
End If
' Handle the case where n is not a valid numeric value
'countValue = 0 ' or any default value you prefer
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next r
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub - fredc2022May 16, 2023Brass Contributor
Hello Hans,
I hope you are doing and Thank You so much for all your help.
I'm still working in the same worksheets and workbook.
This is the DROPDOWNLISTBOX again and you figured out the code to search the DRIVE count data from the DRIVEWORKSHEET. We look that data by first looking in cell 'D2' of the 'DROPDOWNLISTBOX' where we have a dropdown list box with weeks 1 thru 22 to choose from. We then go to the "DRIVEWORKSHEET' find the 'Team Name', 'Week Number', 'Drive Name' then count the number of drives for each 'Team Name'. We then copied the 'Drive Count Number' in a range 'L4:AG35' in the 'DROPDOWNLISTBOX' under the week number headers in row 3.
What I want to do now is modify the same formula to find 'Home' or 'Away' Drive count and place those 'Drive Numbers' in the new ranges (Home 'AL4:BG35' and 'Away 'BK4:CF35") in the same 'DROPDOWNLISTBOX'. Here's how I've modified the code:
I'm getting 'mismatch errors with this part:
awayRange.Cells(r, awayRange.Column + (wk - 1)).Value = countValue
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wt As Worksheet
Dim r As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim tm As String
Dim wk As String
Dim dr As String
Dim rg As Range
Dim homeRange As Range
Dim awayRange As Range
Dim n As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ws = Worksheets("DRIVEWORKSHEET")
Set wt = Worksheets("DROPDOWNLISTBOX")
' Get Call Week in DROPDOWNLISTBOX cell D2
wk = wt.Range("D2").Value
m = wt.Range("I3").End(xlDown).Row
' Set the HOME and AWAY fill data areas
Set homeRange = wt.Range("AL4:BG35")
Set awayRange = wt.Range("BK4:CF35")
Debug.Print wt.Range("AL4:BG35").Address
Debug.Print wt.Range("BK4:CF35").Address
For r = 4 To m
' Get Team Name from DROPDOWNLISTBOX column I
tm = wt.Range("I" & r).Value
Debug.Print "Team Name: " & tm
' Find Team Name from line above in the DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = ws.Range("B:D").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Find the Call Week Number from DROPDOWNLISTBOX cell D2 in DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = rg.Offset(1).EntireRow.Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Get the Drive Name from the DROPDOWNLISTBOX column J Find in the DRIVEWORKSHEET
dr = wt.Range("J" & r).Value
Debug.Print "Drive Name: " & dr
' Find Drive Name in the DRIVEWORKSHEET
Set rg = rg.Offset(0, -3)
Set rg = rg.EntireColumn.Find(What:=dr, After:=rg, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
' Get value of Drives Count from DRIVEWORKSHEET
n = rg.Offset(5).End(xlDown).Value
Debug.Print "Drive Count: " & n
' Convert n to a numeric type before assigning to the cell value
Dim countValue As Double
If IsNumeric(n) Then
countValue = CDbl(n)
If rg.Row = 1 Then
' It is a home data
' Put the count data in the HOME range
homeRange.Cells(r, homeRange.Column + (wk - 1)).Value = countValue
Debug.Print "Putting count in HOME range"
' It is an away data
' Put the count data in the AWAY range
awayRange.Cells(r, awayRange.Column + (wk - 1)).Value = countValue
Debug.Print "Putting count in AWAY range"
End If
' Handle the case where n is not a valid numeric value
'countValue = 0 ' or any default value you prefer
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next r
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I've dropped the worksheets below for your review. I hope you can, again, straighten me out. Please let me know if there is anything I have left out. - HansVogelaarApr 27, 2023MVP
That makes no sense to me. You already have the week headers on that sheet, so why not have the team names there in advance too?
- fredc2022Apr 27, 2023Brass Contributor
Your code works just fine.
Is there a way to have the code automatically fill in the Team Names each week without doing it manually?
- HansVogelaarApr 27, 2023MVP
I am sorry, I don't know why the code still not works as you want. I'm out of ideas.
- fredc2022Apr 26, 2023Brass ContributorI wasn't able to download the link you provided at first but I have now and I see the code works.
I then copied the TeamNames to my Drive Count worksheet and ran the code. However, it did not run but did put the counted number of drives in the DROPDOWNLISTBOX.
I checked to make sure the Drive Count was spelled correctly and that I had no space at the beginning or end. I'm not sure why my original is not working with the code. Please tell me if you can, if I delete the Drive Count worksheet and then add that same named sheet back, would that cause the code to have a problem running?
Anyway, I thank you for your help in modifying the code. I worked with it but just could get it to work but I knew you could. Your knowledge is fabulous along with your graciousness to help others. Thanks again! Keep up your good work. - HansVogelaarApr 26, 2023MVP
You have to place the list of team names in column B of the Drive Count sheet, just like you have that list in column I of the DROPDOWNLISTBOX sheet.
The list was there in your sample sheet, so the code worked.
- fredc2022Apr 26, 2023Brass Contributor
Hello Hans,
I wonder if you were able to run this code. I ran it and it only put the drive count number in the 'DROPDOWLISTBOX' in whatever week was called. Nothing was copied to the 'Drive Count' worksheet for any week I ran.
I have a question about this statement;
' Find team on Drive count
Set rg = wu.Range("B:B").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not rg Is Nothing Then
u = rg.RowThere would not be any 'Team Names' in the 'Drive Count' worksheet until the data was filled.
- HansVogelaarApr 26, 2023MVP
Thanks, I think I finally understand what you want.
The code below assumes that you have added the Drive Count worksheet to the workbook with DROPDOWNLISTBOX and DTIVEWORKSHEET.
Sub FIND_TEAMNAME_WEEK_DRIVES2() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wt As Worksheet Dim wu As Worksheet Dim r As Long Dim m As Long Dim tm As String Dim wk As String Dim dr As String Dim rg As Range Dim n As Long Dim nt As Long Dim nf As Long Dim rc As Range Dim u As Long Dim v As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set ws = Worksheets("DRIVEWORKSHEET") Set wt = Worksheets("DROPDOWNLISTBOX") Set wu = Worksheets("Drive Count") ' Week wk = wt.Range("D2").Value m = wt.Range("I3").End(xlDown).Row For r = 4 To m ' Team name tm = wt.Range("I" & r).Value ' Find team Set rg = ws.Range("B:D").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then ' Find week Set rg = rg.Offset(1).EntireRow.Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then ' Drive dr = wt.Range("J" & r).Value ' Find drive Set rg = rg.Offset(0, -3) Set rg = rg.EntireColumn.Find(What:=dr, After:=rg, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then ' Get value n = rg.Offset(5).End(xlDown).Value ' Reset touchdown count and field goal count nt = 0 nf = 0 ' Count touchdowns and field goals For Each rc In rg.Offset(6, 7).Resize(n) Select Case rc.Value Case "Touchdown" nt = nt + 1 Case "Field Goal" nf = nf + 1 End Select Next rc ' Find week on DROPDOWNLISTBOX Set rg = wt.Range("3:3").Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then ' Populate cell wt.Cells(r, rg.Column).Value = n End If ' Find team on Drive count Set rg = wu.Range("B:B").Find(What:=tm, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then u = rg.Row ' Find week on Drive Count Set rg = wu.Range("3:3").Find(What:=wk, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not rg Is Nothing Then v = rg.Column ' Fill data wu.Cells(u, v - 1).Value = n If nt > 0 Then wu.Cells(u, v).Value = nt End If If nf > 0 Then wu.Cells(u, v + 1).Value = nf End If End If End If End If End If End If Next r Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
See the attached version. Please check the results carefully.
- fredc2022Apr 26, 2023Brass Contributor
I apologize for the confusion. I have attached the 'DRIVE-COUNT-WS-WITH-DATA' that contains what the first week of games played would look like.
What we had at the begging were two worksheets. 1) DROPDOWMLISTBOX, 2) DRIVEWORKSHEET.
In cell 'D2' of the 'DROPDOWNLISTBOX' we have a dropdown list box with 22 weeks to choose from.
1) The macro takes that 'week #' and goes to the 'DRIVEWORKSHEET'. The 'DRIVEWORKSHEET' is set up as follows. the 'TEAM NAMES' are in column 'B:D' with the first 'TEAM NAME' in row 4. The other thirty-one (31) are in alphabetical order and are fifty-two (52) rows apart. For example: The second 'TEAM NAME' would be in 'B56:D56", the third would be in 'B108:D108', and the last would be in 'B1616:D1616'.
2) One row below (row 5) each 'TEAM NAME' has twenty-two (22) weeks from left to right with the first week in the fifth column (cell E5) and each successive week is ten (10) columns right. For example: week 1=E, week 2=O, week 3=Y, week 4=AI.
3) Once the 'TEAM NAME' and 'WEEK #' have been found then the 'DRIVE NAME' is found. The 'DRIVE NAME' will be offset 3 columns left from the 'WEEK #' and either one (1) or twenty-five (25) rows down. The row number is based on if the "TEAM NAME' being found is the home team or away team.
4) Once the 'DRIVE NAME' is found offset down six (6) rows to the first 'DRIVE #', Then drop down to the first blank cell and count back up the the original cell. For example: the 'ARIZONA CARDINALS', 'Week 1', 'DRIVE NAME' is in 'B6'. Drop down six (6) rows to the first drive 'B12', then drop down to the first black cell, 'B23' and count back up. The count is eleven (11) drives.5) offset seven (7) columns right in the same range as the drive 'I12:I22' and count the 'Touchdowns and Field Goals.
6) Copy the 'TEAM NAME', the 'DRIVE COUNT', 'TOUCHDOWNS, AND FIELD GOALS' to the 'DRIVE COUNT' worksheet under the "HEADERS'. The 'WEEK #' are in row three (3) and the 'HEADERS' are in row four (4). For example: Week 1 is in column 'D', Week 2 is in column 'I', week 3 is in column 'N'
The 'HEADERS' are in row four (4) and are in a four (4) column range with a blank column between each set of 'HEADERS'. For example: The first weeks 'HEADERS' are in range 'B4:E4', week 2 is in 'G4:J4', and week 3 is in 'L4:O4'. The date would be copied starting in row 5.
I hope that gives you a better understanding. Thank you for taking the time to help me with this problem.