Forum Discussion

Paul CALBERG-ELLEN's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 11, 2018

To understand formatting rules



I don't understand what is the operation that excel does when you have this list of number with conditional formating :


 The rule for formatting is this :


But I don't manage to understand to what the percentage is referring (I try for the percentage of the mean : if the value is > to 67 % of the mean, then arrow is red, etc., but it does not work).

Could you explain to me what is the hidden rule the excel consider to determine the formatting... ?


I hope my question is clear.


Thank you very much for your help !



  • Hi Paul,


    You min value is 200.1 and max one is 245.3. The difference is 45.2. 33% of it is about 14.92; 67% - 30.28


    With your rule all values which are less than (200.1+14.92=215.02) will be with green arrow; and one which are greater than (200.1+30.28=230.38) will be with red arrow, the rest with yellow ones.
