Forum Discussion
Aug 18, 2023Copper Contributor
Sum by group
I would like to group the unit values of the products regardless of the order of the document:
When changing the price order, calculate this way, as the formula is as follows: =IF(C3=C2;"";SUMIF(C:C;C3;E:E))
In this formula, the DOCUMENT column is considered to perform the sum, but I need to use the DOCUMENT and SUPPLIER column, to then consider the sumif. I ask for a formula suggestion to solve my problem.
A "traditional" formula for F5 could be
Fill down. See the attached workbook, using PeterBartholomew1's example.
- PeterBartholomew1Silver Contributor
My preference when aggregating data by group is to create a new table that lists the unique combinations of attributes that define the group.
- AmGelainCopper Contributor
Thanks for your return. However, I need to retain the structure of the first image attached in my question, this is a block of a much larger spreadsheet. And according to the second image, even if the supplier and the documents are in disarray, I need it according to the first image. Thank you for your concern to help me.- PeterBartholomew1Silver Contributor
That is just a bit more complicated. Would you want to display the total against the first member of each group or the last?
A start towards a solution was to be found to the right of the previous spreadsheet.
= HSTACK( product, MAP(product, LAMBDA(currentInstance, LET( firstOccurence, XLOOKUP(currentInstance, product, product,,,1), showTotal?, ISREF(currentInstance firstOccurence), IF(showTotal?, SUMIFS(UnitValue, product, currentInstance), "") ) )) )
First or last depends upon the final parameter of the XLOOKUP but, as it stands, the match is made on the basis of a single attribute (product) rather than two (supplier and document).
I'd create a pivot table based on the data.