Forum Discussion
Mark Hegley
Mar 29, 2018Copper Contributor
Simple macro
How can i write a simple macro to allow me to change data in my spreadsheet to display on a graph?
for example have 10x2 would display as 2, 10x3 would display as 3, 10x4 would display as 4 etc
- Jul 02, 2018
Not quite sure I comprehend what you're trying to do.... Is it something like this (see attached .xlsx)?:
Matt Mickle
Bronze Contributor
Can you please provide a little bit more detail of your scenario? Maybe you could explain the expected before and after and attach a sample file that shows the expected behavior? The more detailed information you can provide the easier it will be for forum members to answer your question.
Mark Hegley
Jul 02, 2018Copper Contributor
i want to log on my report results as follows:
<102,102, 103,104,105,106, and want to produce a simple graph from a data sheet so want it to show 0,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc on my data sheet
if possible it would be great if i could also do 102(1cfu), and show 1
Hope this helps
<102,102, 103,104,105,106, and want to produce a simple graph from a data sheet so want it to show 0,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc on my data sheet
if possible it would be great if i could also do 102(1cfu), and show 1
Hope this helps