Forum Discussion

Vonni95's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 09, 2020

Setting retrieved data

With the generous help of someone on this forum (thanks again!), I was able to retrieve some data that had been messed up on my Excel sheet. We used a VLOOKUP function to sync two columns of data that had become unsynced. The reference data was on a separate sheet. Now that my information is straight again, I would like to clean up the book and delete the helper columns and reference sheets that were used for the sorting. When I save the book and delete the unneeded sheet, I get a #REF error for all my corrected data. I understand why this is happening as that original referenced data is now deleted.


Is there a way, without redoing the VLOOKUP function, to embed or set the corrected data so that I can separate it from the function and reference data?

  • Vonni95 


    I think the instructions were to use Copy and Paste Special .... Values, putting the correct emails themselves, not the VLOOKUP formulas, into the column where they belong.


  • mathetes's avatar
    Silver Contributor



    I think the instructions were to use Copy and Paste Special .... Values, putting the correct emails themselves, not the VLOOKUP formulas, into the column where they belong.


      • bhushan_z's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        can you remove confidential data and share just some sample?
        it is difficult to provide solution just based on info you have provided.
