Forum Discussion

cl27274's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 03, 2021

Parameterized Sql Statement: Expression.Error: This native database query isn't currently supported



I have a query in excel that loads without any issues. I have tried adding parameters to the query(SQL - statement), but this leads to this error: Expression.Error: This native database query isn't currently supported.


I tried looking at the M code and seeing if I could turn query folding off, as from looking around on different forums this is what came up as a solution, however I don't have that option. I was wondering if any would know if there any other potential solutions to my problem.


An extra detail: The query itself isn't a select * from some_table, its a call to a procedure that has inputs that I would like to parameterize in excel.


Let me know if you need more details, also if this is the right forum to post this on.


Thank you for the help!









  • cl27274 

    One of ways is like

        Source = Sql.Database(Server, Database,
        [Query = "
          @pDate date = ' "& myParameter01asText & "';
          SELECT something 
          FROM somewhere
          WHERE ID >= " & myParameter02asText & "
          ORDER BY some ASC

    but with this yes, query won't be folded and it's better max logic to put into SQL query.

    If don't use SQL query and do M-script in right order, query folding mechanism will work and actually sql query will be generated in background automatically.

    • cl27274's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Thank you for the quick reply, please note I'm not really familiar with M code and don't quite understand your solution. I will add some more detail about the issue I'm facing.


      My SQL Query looks like this:

      CALL SALES_BY_CATEGORY_1234 ( '51','2020-01-01','2020-12-31','','en','dd/MM/yyyy','2020-03-01','2020-12-01','Product','all','all','all','all','','all','','TPHX16','all','all','all','Regular','All','No','No','No','No','No','00208     ','All','202101','Detailed','all','all','all','Customer Salesman','all','Default')

      Also in terms of the parameterized SQL statement, I have created a table (2 columns, 1st column parameter "identifier" 2nd column, the value I want as input) which a user can input (type), the value which will be the input for the SQL statement. I then created a function with power query that would do this.


      CALL SALES_BY_CATEGORY_1234 ( '51',fParameter(ParameterTable,From),'2020-12-31','',......)

      where ParameterTable is the name of the table where I have my input and From is the parameter "identifier", which lets the function know which value to place into the query.


      You said that your solution was one of a few, is there something that can align more towards what I'm trying to achieve?


      Thank you

  • DadaDude's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I experienced the same error with a similar setup (Excel value.NativeQuery call to a parameterized SQL Server Stored Procedure). Note the execution of the NativeQuery call to SQL (to insert records into a table) was successful, but Excel reported an "Expression.Error: This native database query isn't currently supported." error. In my case, this was caused when SET NOCOUNT ON is present in the stored procedure. I cannot find any NativeQuery documentation to determine if this is expected behaviour.
