Forum Discussion
Lori Crombie
Feb 18, 2018Copper Contributor
Nested IF function with multiple cells for comparison
Allow me to explain what I am trying to achieve. I have 2 worksheets of data with a common field of an ID #. In sheet 1, the ID # is in cells F2:F88. In sheet 2, the ID # is in cells F2:F...
Lori Crombie
Feb 18, 2018Copper Contributor
Thank you for your quick response. Will this work even if there is the
possibility of multiple records per ID on sheet2? Allow me to explain my
data a little more clearly. Sheet 1 contains Airline reservations by ID
# and start / end date. Sheet 2 contains Hotel reservations by ID # with
start / end date. I am trying to identify Airline reservations that do
not have a hotel reservation. There is a possibility that there will be
mutliple hotel reservations per ID that fall within the airline
reservation date range. There is also the possibility that there could
be a hotel reservation that falls outside of the airline date range.
Those hotel reservations that fall outside of the date range don’t
matter to me. I am just trying to find a way to identify Airfare by ID
without a hotel, without having to manually look at thousands of rows of
data. Hopefully that helps to clarify what I am looking at and what I am
trying to achieve. Thank you for your help.
Haytham Amairah
Feb 18, 2018Silver Contributor
No matter if there are multiple hotel reservations per ID, that formula will tell you that at least there is one hotel reservation for the ID or not!
It matches the first occurrence of the ID and ignores the rest!
If there are no hotel reservations for the ID, it will return the value of "N".
The good news that the hotel reservations that fall outside of the date range don’t matter to you, so you can depend on that formula that will take into account only the ID!