Forum Discussion
Need help with formula
Hi everyone,
I have set up a spreadsheet for myself at work. In it I am keeping a track of accounts.
One of the things I would like to do i have the form advise me of a due date on the accounts.
The dates are located in a column, I would like the formula (or whatever is used) to check the date in that column against today's date and then give me an alert of some form (a pop up would be cool!)
Thanks in advance
there are several different ways to handle this and the approach will depend on your preference. A pop up can only be done with VBA, are you comfortable with that?
A more low key solution could be a formula at the top of the worksheet, something like
=IF(COUNTIF(A:A,TODAY())>1,"There are several accounts due today",IF(COUNTIF(A:A,TODAY())=1,"Account "&INDEX(B:B,MATCH(TODAY(),A:A,0))&" is due today",""))
It would be easier to advise a formula or technique if you shared a sample file.