Forum Discussion

jakuzi1's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 04, 2025

Need formula help

We have a workbook with a sheet for each month named Jan - Dec.  on each sheet is the date in column A and column B, C, D have text data and column E has numbers. What i need is a formula that gives me a highest value of column E across all sheets Jan - Dec and the date from column A that the highest value occurred. the results can be displayed in separate cells if that makes it easier.  I hope that makes sense. Thank you in advance

Date            Text1      Text2      Text3    Amount

1/1/24         exm1      exm2       exm3       342

1/2/24         exm1      exm2       exm3       376

1/3/24         exm1      exm3       exm3       321 

  • Patrick2788's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Stack, sort, and take:

        dates, VSTACK(Jan:Dec!$A$2:$A$100),
        amt, VSTACK(Jan:Dec!$E$2:$E$100),
        M, SORT(HSTACK(dates, amt), 2, -1),
        TAKE(M, 1)

    The above solution utilizes a 3D reference.

    Create a 3-D reference to the same cell range on multiple worksheets - Microsoft Support

    Since you have a date column, another option might be to consolidate the information in one sheet then the analysis becomes easy and there's no need to stack the data.

  • In the following, I entered only Jan-Mar. You can easily expand this to encompass all 12 months.

    =LET(dates, VSTACK(Jan!A2:A32, Feb!A2:A30, Mar!A2:A32), 
         amounts, VSTACK(Jan!D2:D32, Feb!D2:D30, Mar!D2:D32), 
         max_amount, MAX(amounts), 
         max_date, XLOOKUP(max_amount, amounts, dates), 
         HSTACK(max_amount, max_date))

