Patrick Silverwise
Feb 08, 2018Copper Contributor
Need an Excel Formula giving True or False based on the last word in the cell
Checking online I've found these two formulas:
=IF(COUNT(SEARCH({"Avenue","Road"},D2)),"TRUE","FALSE") - This returns TRUE or FALSE if either word is anywhere in the cell.
=RIGHT(D2,LEN(D2)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(D2," ","*",LEN(D2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(D2," ",""))))) - This returns the value of the last word in the cell.
I need a formula that combines the second with the first to yield the following TRUE / FALSE results:
123 Avenue = True
123 Road = True
123 Avenue Rd = False
123 Road Ave = False
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! :)
I tried another way. The following formula do not need CSE too.