Forum Discussion

julie vandermeulen's avatar
julie vandermeulen
Copper Contributor
Apr 19, 2018


I want to create a macro that creates a new sheet and pulls from the most recent sheet I was working on.


So I have a worksheet named 5/3/2018 I want to use as a template to create a new sheet named 5/10/2018. The following week I want 5/10/2018 to be my new template and I want to create a new sheet named 5/17/18, etc.  How do I do this. Is it possible?

  • Haytham Amairah's avatar
    Haytham Amairah
    Silver Contributor

    Hi Julie,


    Are you sure that the worksheets are named in this way "5/3/2018"?

    In fact, the forward slashes are not allowed in the worksheets name!


    If they are named in this way "5 3 2018", you can depend on this macro:

    Sub AddDatedWorksheets()
        'To add a dated worksheet on weekly basis
        'Written by Haytham Amairah
        'Last update: 4/20/2018
        On Error GoTo Handler
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim startDate As Date
        startDate = DateValue(ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name)
        Dim nextDate As Date
        nextDate = DateAdd("ww", 1, startDate)
        With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
             .Copy After:=Sheets(.Index)
        End With
        ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = Month(nextDate) & " " & Day(nextDate) & " " & Year(nextDate)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox ("The name of the worksheet isn't valid!")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub


    Please find it in the attached file.


    Hope that helps


    • julie vandermeulen's avatar
      julie vandermeulen
      Copper Contributor

      This helps a lot!! Thanks
      My sheets are actually named 5-3-2018, 5-10-2018, 5-17-2018, etc.  May I use that in the macro?

      • Haytham Amairah's avatar
        Haytham Amairah
        Silver Contributor

        Hi Julie,


        In this case, all you have to do is:


        Replace this line:

        ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = Month(nextDate) & " " & Day(nextDate) & " " & Year(nextDate)

        With this:

        ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = Month(nextDate) & "-" & Day(nextDate) & "-" & Year(nextDate)


        I hope this helps you

