Forum Discussion

Admaiora61's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 21, 2023

Isolating Operators in a Cell Reference

Is there a way to write the following uinsg <= in a cell reference?  Kindly refer to the folloiwng:




Cell C2 conatins <= but when I reference the cell, it wraps it in quotes which results in #VALUE!


  • mtarler's avatar
    Aug 21, 2023
    In general I'd say yes unless you want to change that cell C2 and not go into the formula. Another variant is:
    =IF(COUNTIF(L2, C2&D2),E2)
    • Admaiora61's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thank you for quick response Sergei.

      It would appear easier just to use the operators in the expression in lieu of a cell reference.
      • mtarler's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        In general I'd say yes unless you want to change that cell C2 and not go into the formula. Another variant is:
        =IF(COUNTIF(L2, C2&D2),E2)
