Forum Discussion
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Apr 07, 2018Copper Contributor
How to write this Nested IF FUNCTION?
Hi guys, I need help writing a Nested IF function. for Afluence and Adventerous.
The question is, write a nested if function that will input "Charcuterie" in the cell for females from San Francisco or Palatine and who make over 125k or are single.
What i got so far is
=IF(OR(G5="San Francisco",G5="Palatine","Characuterie",IF(OR(N5>125000,O5="Single"))))
but its wrong :(
- JamilBronze Contributor
you can start with something like this. =IF(AND(OR(G5={"San Francisco","Palatine","Characuterie"}),OR(N5>125000,O5="Single")),TRUE,FALSE)
you can change the TRUE and FALSE to whatever variable you want to replace it with.