Forum Discussion

Ghada Saleh's avatar
Ghada Saleh
Copper Contributor
Oct 23, 2017

Formula to read value rather than the formula in the cell

Trying to form a formula that picks up data from other cells. The values in the other cells are from formulas.


eg AA1: formula =if(B1=C1,"ok","check"),

My formula in another cell is supposed to pick up the OK or check. If(AA1=BB1="ok","ok","check") but currently is not recognising the values.

Tried to add text to cell AA1 : =TEXT(if(B1=C1,"ok","check"),"TEXT")

Still the values are not recognised.



  • You only ran into a syntax error. The formula is simply:
    Instead of
  • Hi Ghada,


    You formula first checks if AA1 is equal to BB1 and returns TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0) and after that compare with "ok". That is always FALSE, thus the result is always "check"


