Forum Discussion
Jun 29, 2022Copper Contributor
Formula to calculate Canadian taxes
I'm struggling to figure out a formula for Canadian Taxes. We now have to include taxes in our product prices on Etsy. So I need the formula to calculate what I have to remit to the gov. Here's an ...
Copper Contributor
Thanks for the help! With your guidance and a bit of google, I ended up using the IFS formula: =IFS(M4="ON",".13",M4="AB",".05",M4="BC",".12",M4="MB",".12",M4="SK",".11",M4="QC",".14975",M4="NS",".15",M4="NB",".15",M4="NL",".15",M4="PE",".15",M4="NT",".05",M4="NU",".05",M4="YT",".05",TRUE,"0") Too many variable for the =IF command. This covered every province and excluded anything not in Canada. I then take the result and multiply it by the cost of the product column. Thanks again for your help.
Jun 30, 2022Platinum Contributor
EagleAD Your choice to do it that way, but I would use a look up table. And, by the way, why did you put the tax rates between quotes? That turns them into texts. Although Excel will interpret them as a number as soon as you do some arithmetic with them, better to use numbers from the start.
- EagleADJun 30, 2022Copper ContributorI have to point out I'm a novice at formulas. Thanks for pointing out the "Quotes" turning them into Texts. I tried your solution with the lookup function but kept getting an error. I was messing something up in the formula which is pretty straightforward. Your help is much appreciated!
- Riny_van_EekelenJun 30, 2022Platinum Contributor
EagleAD Did you figure it out or do you still need help?
- EagleADJul 17, 2022Copper Contributor
Riny_van_Eekelen I Think I'm good now. Your help was very much appreciated.