Forum Discussion
Formula or function for IF statement based on cell color
- Jun 15, 2017
Step 1 Paste code (found at bottom) into a new module. ALT F11 shortcut should open the code area.
Step 2 In cell O1 paste formula: =InteriorColor(B1) drag formula down
Step 3 In cell P1 paste formula: =InteriorColor(G1) drag formula down
Step 4 In cell L1 paste formula: =IF(O1<>P1,F1+K1,ABS(F1-K1)) drag formula downDoes this work for you Laurie?
Function InteriorColor(CellColor As Range)
InteriorColor = CellColor.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function
David, it depends on which conditional formatting rules you use. If you provide small sample it'll be easier to answer.
Hi Sergei,
Thank you for replying. I hope the below makes a little more sense.
Below is the criteria I was given and below I have attached a screen shot of the spreadsheet with the relevant columns that my query relates to.
- Make the ‘Status’ column field automatically show the words Active, Dormant or Inactive based on the following conditions:
- Active- if there were purchases in the current 12 months (third column)
- Dormant- if there was purchases in previous 12 month period (Second Column) but nothing in Current 12 months period (third column)
- Inactive- if there was no purchases in second or third column
Note: I'm thinking the answer is utilising a IFS & ISBLANK combined formula, but so far I haven't been able to get this combination to work to encompass all three criteria..if that makes sense. So far I have only been able to get the following IF formula to work but it is not the total solution: =IF(W5=0,("Inactive"),("Active"))
- SergeiBaklanAug 24, 2018MVP
Hi David,
That could be
=IF(C2>0, "Active",IF(B2>0, "Dormant", "Inactive"))
and attached
- David RichAug 27, 2018Copper Contributor
Hi Sergei, worked a treat - thanks so much.
- jww76Sep 01, 2021Copper Contributor
This is long after the fact but David Rich - it appears your condition for dormant is something like "last 12 months volume is lower than prior year volume"?
If so, you could modify Sergei's formula to:
=IF(C2>0, "Active",IF(B2>C2, "Dormant", "Inactive"))
It also seems like 'Inactive' is specifically a matter of both B2 and C2 being 0? If so:
=IF(C2>0, "Active",IF(B2>C2, "Dormant", (AND(B2=0,C2=0)=TRUE,"Inactive","CHECK")))
This looks for both to be '0' and then returns a CHECK if it ends up that none of the three conditions are met. Say that B2 = C2 and both are greater than 0.