Forum Discussion

Noelle Robinson's avatar
Noelle Robinson
Copper Contributor
Apr 18, 2018

Formula Help - "todays date"

Hello, I need help with some formulas for 3 columns on my spreadsheet. I need a formula that changes red when the date inside it is 3 years older than today’s date, but stays green when not. It also needs to change red when there is no date. When I say today, I mean when I open it on the February 23rd that’s “todays” date, or if I open it on March 12th, that’s todays date, etc. 

I am pretty new to Excel and see all the really awesome things you can do with it, it’s just sometimes I don’t know how to do it. I tried looking up a formula using today() and IF but I am not sure how to put the formula(s) together. I also need one that changes at the one year mark, but I figure I can just change the number in the formula for the one above?

The person who created it applied conditional formatting, but I think you have to keep changing dates, some are listed two or three times, or are partial, or not needed anymore, etc.... It is just a mess. I figure there has to be a better way with a few formulas, rather than having almost 30+ different (no exaggeration) conditional formats. Any help would be great, and if you need clarification on anything just let me know. THANK YOU

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