Forum Discussion

Walter Knipp's avatar
Walter Knipp
Copper Contributor
Jan 19, 2018

Excel2016 win10 64bit userform


i use excel-makros since 15 years, include userforms.

now i changed from office2010 to office2016 on my win10 64bit and i have trouble with excel.

when i want to open an excel-workbook an errormessage acurt, that this is not possible.

then i open a new workbook and build a makro, thats fine. but i cannot insert an UserForm.

the error   336 , active-x komponent not right registered.

i deinstall the office with the microsoft clean-deinstallation and install again.

on a second win10 64bit Office2016 pc everything is ok, i see no different.

i tried regsvr32 FM20.DLL and others, no chance.

any ideas?

sorry for my bad englisch , i'm a german.


  • Willy Lau's avatar
    Willy Lau
    Steel Contributor
    Have you checked vba project references?

    Alt + F11 > Tools > References
