Forum Discussion

Cesar DelRosal's avatar
Cesar DelRosal
Copper Contributor
Nov 21, 2017

Excel Formula

 In column A, EID, I want the employee's SSN (Column D) to show up at all times.  So in A4 (Alice Jones), I want her husband, who is the employee, Jim Jones' SSN should appear.  Same for child.  Is there a formula for this?


  A B C D E
1 EID Last Name First Name SSN Relationship
2   Smith Alice 111-11-1111 Employee
3   Jones Jim 222-22-2222 Employee
4   Jones Alice 333-33-3333 Spouse
5   Jones James 444-44-4444 Child
  • In the example provided you can get it to work via the Last Name column, but if you have more employees with the same last name it will not work. You need extra data.
