Forum Discussion
Adam Skalski
May 25, 2018Copper Contributor
Excel Formula for showing correct price
Hi, I'm new into excel and doing some digging I cant find an appropriate solution. I am currently building a registry worksheet where I will log everyone that booked. These are my three colum...
Man Fai Chan
May 25, 2018Iron Contributor
I have an idea. But I think it is not good.
Since the first three columns have fixed choices. So I will first concatenate the value in the first three columns. For short, I choose the first column (Y/N), second column (A/B/C) and third column (1/2/3/4/5). Then I can have a so-called "code".
I prepared a lookup table listing all possible "codes" and the corresponding price. In the price column, using VLOOKUP function to find the corresponding price.
The example here has only 30 choices (2*3*5). However, if the number of choices is getting larger, this method may not work.
Hope that it is helpful.