Forum Discussion
Tom Cavalli
Jun 27, 2018Copper Contributor
Excel Formula for adding one cell on one worksheet to another cell on a separate worksheet
I'm looking for a formula that will allow me to take data from one cell on one worksheet (tab) and add it to a cell on another worksheet (tab). Basically, I have one worksheet (tab) entitled "Month" ...
Jun 27, 2018MVP
Hi Tom,
As variant you may use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH linking data for the same dates.
- Tom CavalliJun 28, 2018Copper Contributor
Please expand your answer. I am a novice with Excel. Could you please provide step by step instructions? Thanks! Greatly appreciated!!
- DeletedJun 28, 2018Hi
You can go to where you want the monthly data in the YTD sheet. = to start the formula then click on the monthly tab and then select the cell, tap enter. The cells are linked- Tom CavalliJun 28, 2018Copper Contributor
Thank you for responding! However, the tip you provided copies the data from one sheet to another. I am looking for a formula that ADDS the data from one sheet to a corresponding cell on another sheet in the same document. I need a cumulative you know of one? Again, Thank you for your great tip!! Tom
- SergeiBaklanJun 28, 2018MVP
If you provide small sample file of how is your data structured and what you'd like to receive it'll be easier to provide step by step instructions