Forum Discussion
Mar 19, 2018Drag copy SUMIFS just repeats my cell values (manual entering is fine)
I am trying to drag copy (well double clicking the '+' to copy actually) the following SUMIFS functions:
Mar 19, 2018Thanks Damien, no it's not this simple.
The 3 formulae shown are how I want the pattern to be.
Drag copy with either method is not extending the pattern, moreover it is just repeating those three lines exactly as typed.
If I try with only one cell, the first formula, the same thing happens, just that one value repeated thousands of times!
Or so I thought!
It has been doing it correctly all along. The strange behaviour seemed to be a placeholder while Excel correctly calculated the several hundred thousand records.
I actually had to do an undo and a redo to spot this and enforce the update (of the cell values shown).
Mar 19, 2018Silver Contributor
Awesome Christopher. Glad to hear it resolved!
Best wishes
Best wishes