Forum Discussion

Reshma null's avatar
Reshma null
Copper Contributor
Oct 19, 2018

dont want Master worksheet updates

Hello. I have a master worksheet for month master. Month Master is copied to 12 sheets named jan , feb, mar....dec. whenever I update a month sheet eg 'jan', the updates are also made in "Month ma...
  • erol sinan zorlu's avatar
    erol sinan zorlu
    Oct 25, 2018
    Basically Month Master sheet is not being updated. Literally it does what it is meant to. You have created a master file that has some formulas that uses data from seperate sheets. and it is being updated according to the data entered to the related page.

    If you want to create a template for pages and workbook what you should do is not saving the template sheet as a seperate master sheet but save the whole file as a template with all the formulas in it but without values. To do this create the file with all the formulas in it. Delete the master sheets and leave only the pages that you need. And then save this file as a template. And whenever you need to open a new file depending on this template you can use File-->New" and select your template which will create an empty workbook with all the formulas you neeed.

    However if you need to create the pages seperately when needed you can save the Months master page in a different file and save that file as template and use a macro to create a new page depending on this template.
