Forum Discussion
So, I have created a formula with multiple "COUNTIF" functions over varied ranges. However, for a few cells within the formula, I only want the formula to count one cell or the other, but never both. So, for example, =COUNTIF(E17,">0")+COUNTIF(E24,">0") would count both cells and spit out "2". However, I cannot figure out how to tell it to count 1 or the other but never both. So, if E17's value was greater than 0, but E24 = 0 (or vice versa), I want it to equal 1. If both cells values are 0, then I want it to equal 0. However, if both E17 and E24 are greater than 0, I still want the formula to equal 1, not 2. Does that make any sense?
Hi Chris,
If we speak about single cells, not ranges, that could be
- Chris MercadoCopper Contributor
Thanks, that looks like it works, even incorporated with the rest of my COUNTIF formula for other cells...