Forum Discussion

BriceChapman's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 07, 2024

Copy Table as Bitmap and Paste into Outlook

Hi everyone,


I am trying to copy a table in bitmap format and paste it into the body of an outlook email in VBA.

Below is the code I have so far..


Sub Create_Email()
 'This creates the email to send out the report
    Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
    Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    Dim message As String
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim Sht As Excel.Worksheet
    strDate = Format(tDatePreviousBusDate, "mm-dd-yy")
    txtSignature = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & Environ("username") & _
                "\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures\Standard.txt"

    If Dir(txtSignature) <> "" Then
        Signature = GetBoiler(txtSignature)
        Signature = ""
    End If
    Set Sht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Pivot")
    Set rng = Sht.Range("A1:I101")
        rng.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap

    With olMail
        .SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
        .To = "New Deal Closed"
        .CC = ""
        .Subject = "Deals Closed" & " (" & strDate & ")"
        .Body = Format("Activity as of " & strDate, Bold)
        .Attachments.Add OutputPath & OutputFile
        .Display '.Send
    End With
End Sub


When I run this code, I get a "Argument not optional" error and it highlights row 31. I know I don't have the correct code to paste the table in bitmap format, does anyone know how I can do that? Any help is much appreciated, thank you!

  • BriceChapman There are a number of undefined or unused variables in your code, so I've excluded them from the sample below. Please adjust the following code to meet your needs:


    Sub Create_Email()
    'Copy the desired range as a picture
        Dim ws As Worksheet, rg As Range
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Pivot")
        Set rg = ws.Range("A1:I101")
        rg.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap
    'Set the date string to be used in the email
        Dim strDate As String
        strDate = Format(Date - 1, "mm-dd-yy")
    'Create a new Outlook email
        Dim olApp As Object, olMail As Object
        Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(0) 'olMailItem
        With olMail
            .SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
            .To = "New Deal Closed"
            .CC = ""
            .BCC = ""
            .Subject = "Deals Closed (" & strDate & ")"
        ' paste the picture into the body, followed by a basic signature
            Dim wordDoc As Variant
            Set wordDoc = .GetInspector.WordEditor
            With wordDoc.Range
                .PasteSpecial DataType:=4 'wdPasteBitmap
                .InsertAfter "Thank you,"
                .InsertAfter "John Smith"
            End With
        ' apply formatting and insert greeting before the picture
            .HTMLBody = "<BODY style = font-size:11pt; font-family:Calibri;>" & _
                "<p><b>Activity as of " & strDate & "</b></p>" & .HTMLBody
        End With
        Set olApp = Nothing
        Set olMail = Nothing
    End Sub


    References: Excel VBA Macro: Paste Range (Table) As Image In Email Body 

  • djclements's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    BriceChapman There are a number of undefined or unused variables in your code, so I've excluded them from the sample below. Please adjust the following code to meet your needs:


    Sub Create_Email()
    'Copy the desired range as a picture
        Dim ws As Worksheet, rg As Range
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Pivot")
        Set rg = ws.Range("A1:I101")
        rg.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap
    'Set the date string to be used in the email
        Dim strDate As String
        strDate = Format(Date - 1, "mm-dd-yy")
    'Create a new Outlook email
        Dim olApp As Object, olMail As Object
        Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(0) 'olMailItem
        With olMail
            .SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
            .To = "New Deal Closed"
            .CC = ""
            .BCC = ""
            .Subject = "Deals Closed (" & strDate & ")"
        ' paste the picture into the body, followed by a basic signature
            Dim wordDoc As Variant
            Set wordDoc = .GetInspector.WordEditor
            With wordDoc.Range
                .PasteSpecial DataType:=4 'wdPasteBitmap
                .InsertAfter "Thank you,"
                .InsertAfter "John Smith"
            End With
        ' apply formatting and insert greeting before the picture
            .HTMLBody = "<BODY style = font-size:11pt; font-family:Calibri;>" & _
                "<p><b>Activity as of " & strDate & "</b></p>" & .HTMLBody
        End With
        Set olApp = Nothing
        Set olMail = Nothing
    End Sub


    References: Excel VBA Macro: Paste Range (Table) As Image In Email Body 
