Forum Discussion
Convert 1234 to 12:34
Good morning!
Could someone help me in converting a large series of 4 and 3 digit numbers into a new form are which contains “:”.
As these examples:
1234 to 12:34
333 to 3:33
4567 to 45:67
555 to 5:55
and so on...
I remember that there was a function helping with this conversion but it can't remember which one.
Thank you very much in advance, Juan
Hi Juan,
If you'd like to convert such numbers into time when
preliminary formatting target column as [hh]:mm. Number 4567 will be converted to 46:07 (60 minutes in an hour).
If convert to text when
=LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2) & ":" & RIGHT(A1,2)
- juan jimenezIron Contributor
Thank you very much for your quick answer.
Unfortunately when I copy this formula into my Excel 2016 (in Spanish) it is not accepted.
Maybe I do have to change "," for ":"?
You may translate formulas from one language to another using this tool
They'll be
=IZQUIERDA(A1;LARGO(A1)-2) & ":" & DERECHA(A1;2)
If you open attached file formulas will be in your locale notation.