Forum Discussion

juan jimenez's avatar
juan jimenez
Iron Contributor
Oct 02, 2018

Convert 1234 to 12:34

Good morning!


Could someone help me in converting a large series of 4 and 3 digit numbers into a new form are which contains “:”.

As these  examples:


1234 to 12:34

333 to 3:33

4567 to 45:67

555 to 5:55


and so on...


I remember that there was a function helping with this conversion but it can't remember which one. 


Thank you very much in advance, Juan



  • Hi Juan,


    If you'd like to convert such numbers into time when 


    preliminary formatting target column as [hh]:mm. Number 4567 will be converted to 46:07 (60 minutes in an hour).


    If convert to text when

    =LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2) & ":" & RIGHT(A1,2)
    • juan jimenez's avatar
      juan jimenez
      Iron Contributor

      Thank you very much for your quick answer.


      Unfortunately when I copy this formula into my Excel 2016 (in Spanish) it is not accepted.


      Maybe I do have to change "," for  ":"?
