conditional format - coluration
Hi Peoples,
Excel "conditional formatting" may be quite helpful - but is INFURIATING to identify the correct syntax to apply such that a "formula" may be construed to funtion correctly...
Col N3 thru Nnnnn may contain a (formulated) text entry of "g" or "r" (or other non-relevant entry)...
Col T3 thru Tnnnn may contain the digit value "1"...
Simple(?) requirement is to colour higlight only the respective col T cells where Nn= "g" & Tn =1
similar (with different colour) where Nnn= "r" & Tnn = 1
One would assume that =AND(N3="r",T3=1) should suffice - but such does not appear to conform regardless as to where one may include the $ sign...???
Please where can I derive the appropriate syntax rules? - and also - without meaning to appear sarcastic.... when am I going to get a valid reply from "Excel Tech. Com." to my previous question on UNclustering column graphics?
Thank you.