Forum Discussion

Raffaele Fusini's avatar
Raffaele Fusini
Copper Contributor
Mar 05, 2018

Calorie Amortization Excel Template Issue

  Today I came across the "Calorie Amortization" template on Excel. I started off by changing the preset information so it would fit me. I slightly altered some values from my real ones in the pict...
  • Jamil's avatar
    Mar 07, 2018

    I found the culprit formula which is in E12 


    formula in E12  is =IFERROR(IF($D12<>"",E11-(I11/CalsPerPound),""),"")   which reduces the extra calories regardless if the cell I10 is CAL Decrease or EXTRA CAL


    the formula in E12 down the column should be dynamic to check the value in Cell I10 and if it is CAL DECREASE it should reduce andif it is EXTRA CAL then it should increase 


    so put this formula in cell E12 and copy down.


    or simply find attached workbook.



    =IFERROR(IF($D12<>"",IF($I$10="CAL DEFICIT",E11-(I11/CalsPerPound),IF($I$10="EXTRA CAL",E11+(I11/CalsPerPound))),""),"")


    it should work by then.
