Forum Discussion
Bring cell colour with the result
alternatively you report that info in an adjacent cell or even in the same cell with the value. for example
companies, {"abc"; "def"; "ghi"; "jkl"},
TEXTJOIN(" - ",, FILTER( companies, vals=MIN(vals) ), MIN(vals)))
I would further recommend making "companies" a Named variable or range and use short abbreviations like 1 or 2 letters for each company.
Lastly you can then apply conditional formatting on the sheet/range to highlight cells however you like based on those characters. I would first check if there is more than 1 "-" (i.e. a tie for min) and if not then if LEFT( ,2)=... then color... and if >1 "-" then some other color (you will need 1 rule for each color/condition)
I added a tab to the above example to show this alternative: