Forum Discussion
John Yoakum
Apr 23, 2020Copper Contributor
Error with HTTPS/PXE on DP
I am running into an error when trying to load the PXE provider on a DP that has been enabled for HTTPS communication utilizing an internal CA. I have followed all the guides for setting up the PKI environment and certificate requirements for this and have everything configured correctly I think on the DP/MP. Troubleshooting steps have included all the normal stuff: remove DP role, verify that WDS was uninstalled, remove RemoteInstall folder and everything else I could find, all to no avail. The issue looks like it doesn't recognize that the DP is configured for SSL, but it clearly is.
Listed below is the section of the SMSPXE.log file that is showing the errors.
================= PXE Provider loaded. =====================
Machine is running Windows Longhorn. (NTVersion=0XA00, ServicePack=0)
Cannot read the registry value of MACIgnoreListFile (00000000)
MAC Ignore List Filename in registry is empty
Begin validation of Certificate [Thumbprint 33FB3DF0E2583F55CE8CFBC0B724FF152A83B22B] issued to'
Completed validation of Certificate [Thumbprint 33FB3DF0E2583F55CE8CFBC0B724FF152A83B22B] issued to '
Using values from 'AllowedMPs' key.
Prioritizing local MP
Client is set to use HTTPS when available. The current state is 1472.
Not in SSL.
RequestMPKeyInformation: Send() failed.
Unsuccessful in getting MP key information. 80004005.
PXE::MP_InitializeTransport failed; 0x80004005
PXE::MP_LookupDevice failed; 0x80070490
PXE Provider failed to initialize MP connection.
Element not found. (Error: 80070490; Source: Windows)
Using values from 'AllowedMPs' key.
Prioritizing local MP
Not in SSL.
RequestMPKeyInformation: Send() failed.
Unsuccessful in getting MP key information. 80004005.
PXE::MP_InitializeTransport failed; 0x80004005
PXE::MP_ReportStatus failed; 0x80070490
PXE::CPolicyProvider::InitializeMPConnection failed; 0x80070490
PXE::CBootImageInfo::CBootImageInfo: key=
Adding 04900FFC.10
Adding 04900FFF.7
Found new image 04900FFC
Loaded Windows Imaging API DLL (version '10.0.18362.1') from location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM\wimgapi.dll'
Opening image file E:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\04900FFC\WinPE.04900FFC.wim
Found Image file: E:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\04900FFC\WinPE.04900FFC.wim
PackageID: 04900FFC
ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Architecture: 9
Description: Microsoft Windows PE (x64)
SystemDir: WINDOWS
Closing image file E:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\04900FFC\WinPE.04900FFC.wim
Found new image 04900FFF
Loaded Windows Imaging API DLL (version '10.0.18362.1') from location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM\wimgapi.dll'
Opening image file E:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\04900FFF\WinPE.04900FFF.wim
Found Image file: E:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\04900FFF\WinPE.04900FFF.wim
PackageID: 04900FFF
ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Architecture: 0
Description: Microsoft Windows PE (x86)
SystemDir: WINDOWS
Closing image file E:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages\04900FFF\WinPE.04900FFF.wim
Begin validation of Certificate [Thumbprint 33FB3DF0E2583F55CE8CFBC0B724FF152A83B22B] issued to '
Completed validation of Certificate [Thumbprint 33FB3DF0E2583F55CE8CFBC0B724FF152A83B22B] issued to '
PXE Provider finished loading.
I need to know how to make it see that it is in HTTPS mode and use that mode to communicate with the MP.
I have attached the screen shots of my MP/DP Communication Settings
I have also added an IIS cert to my default website on this same server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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