Forum Discussion
Nov 17, 2024Copper Contributor
Does OneDrive for personal account work yet?
I have been using Dropbox to sync my Word and Excel files. The reason so is because Dropbox allows me to choose what files I want uploaded where I can create custom folders to store them in.
The last time I activated OneDrive, it began to upload ALL my files from my computer, including big video files. When I aborted the upload, all the files being uploaded were lost. Luckley I had them backed up on a local drive, but to suffice to say that I am hestitant to use Onedrive again.
Has Microsoft finally updated Onedrive to allow users to determine what files they want uploaded and where? Will mt files be safe from being lost? If not, I am thinking of moving to Google or Zoho platforms becauseI have doubts that Microsoft understands how cloud storage actually works for non enterprise platforms.
Thoughts please.
- EricStarkerFormer Employee
Hello! You've posted in the Tech Community Discussion | Microsoft Community Hub which is intended only for conversations about the Microsoft Tech Community website itself.
Please post this questions in the Microsoft 365 discussion space instead for better response. You can navigate to this in the future through the Products button on the top bar of Tech Community.
- JourneymanMCIron Contributor
I'd stay on Dropbox.
- David1750Copper Contributor
JourneymanMC, I came to a simular conclusion except that I decided to migrate to Google Workspace. I am a SharePoint admistrator and database developer at work. I find MS tech lacking in many areas. MS hasn't put alot of thought into thier UI and UX and many of their apps, MS List and OneDrive for example, are half-baked products. When a company dominates the market where most organizations are forced to use MS 365, why bother making good products. Innovation isn't exactly Microsoft's thing. And so, I will finally move on to a technolgy platform created in 2006, not 1986.
- Salamat_ShahIron Contributor
OneDrive offers a feature called Selective Sync, which allows users to choose specific folders to sync between their device and the cloud. To enable this:
Access OneDrive Settings:
Click the OneDrive cloud icon in your system tray.
Select the gear icon and choose "Settings."Choose Folders to Sync:
Navigate to the "Account" tab.
Click on "Choose folders."Uncheck any folders you don't want to sync and select "OK."
By using Selective Sync, users can optimize storage space and improve performance by syncing only the necessary files.- David1750Copper Contributor
I have MS 365 Personal edition does not support the OneDrive Icon in the system tray. Microsoft 365 platform is basicallyt antiquated tech. Can you recommend a modern platform as an option?