Feb 23, 2023Copper Contributor
deserializing string as json during copy step
I have a copy activity where the source is Salesforce and the sink is CosmosDB.
Here is the source - hedge_data__c is a string field, but it's actually json.
This is what how it shows up in CosmoDB:
I ultimately want the hedge_data__c json to show up in CosmosDB as json.
I have tried updating the mapping to use the conversion function "json()" to deserialize the string,
but that doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions on how I can let ADF know that this string field from Salesforce
should be treated as JSON in CosmosDB?
Bonus question: I ultimately want to transform the hedge_data__c json - I have it working on a single
entry using jq:
cat hedge.json|jq '[.[][] | select(.isOpen == true)] |map({startDate, percentageVolume: (100-.percentageVolume)}) |sort_by(.startDate)'
"startDate": "2022-12-01",
"percentageVolume": 0
"startDate": "2023-01-01",
"percentageVolume": 25
}, etc.
How can I do this sort of transformation in ADF?