Forum Discussion

Dante Nahuel Ciai's avatar
Dante Nahuel Ciai
Brass Contributor
Oct 26, 2020

Classic WVD autoscale modification

I have a WVD classic environment and I need to implement the autoscaling feature for it.
I've checked MS documentation and found the Autoscale automation which implements Automation Accounts and Logic apps to run during peak hours, check the amount of sessions and spin more VMs if necessary. Then, during off hours, it shut downs VMs to a minimum.
This is good...but not what I need.
I need the automation to add more VMs when needed, but also to shut down VMs when not, during a 24x7 schedule. I don't want it to shutdown VMs only outside working hours.

I tried to check how to add this functionality but I can't seem to find a way of doing it and I can't find the source code that does it to modify it.

Has anyone have a similar problem?

  • Command0r's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Dante Nahuel Ciai, no problems there at all :smile:

    It sounds like you need a virtual machine scale set (an overview here). The trick is, just like the App Services, you can scale-out and scale-in the VMs in the scale sets basing on the scalability rules/metrics. For that, you need to create a scale set and enable autoscale for it. Then, using some Azure CLI + Templates you can define the rules. And finally, creating the rule following the guidelines, do not forget to create the same for scaling the set back in (it doesn't happen automatically).
