Ways to minimize risk of corruption of an accdb (back end, only tables)
Several weeks ago, after compacting (via VBA code) an accdb (back end on a server), I couldn't find anymore some indexes in a (important...) table.
In the compacted accdb, I found the MSysCompactError table (as expected, as compacting didn't go well ...).
Now, after reading some tips on the web on how to remove minor corruptions from an accdb, I created the following procedure, that I would like to run periodically on the accdb back end (in order to minimize the chances of losing indexes or corrupting in any way the accdb):
1) make a local copy ("C") of the back end accdb file ("BE");
2) compact "C" in file "D";
3) export all database objects of "D" in an empty accdb "E" (let's call "T" file "E" after the export);
Note: the 'export' is performed through the execution of this sql string (on all tables of "D"):
" SELECT * INTO [strConnectionStringOf_E].[tableName] FROM [strConnectionStringOf_D].[tableName] "
4) recreate in "T" all the indexes in "BE" (more precisely: the 'expected' indexes that the original "BE" should have);
5) recreate in "T" all the relations in "BE" (more precisely: the 'expected' relations that the original "BE" should have).
Now, this procedure 'worked' at recreating my "BE" (that is the file "T" after 5) in such a way that the next compact on this new file worked fine (without errors and without losing any index).
Does anyone know:
- why this procedure 'worked' (in the above sense)?;
- if this procedure has any sense or is just a waste of time?;
- if (supposing it is not useless) it could be done in a better way?
Many Thanks.
Marco M.
Some people do report that they've not had problems doing a C&R on an mdb/accdb on a network share. If you want to continue that practice, it's up to you.
"... at home where I have Access 2016 64 bit. At the office, where I have access 2016 32 bit, it didn't work. "
And that's probably the missing detail we needed. Does the accdb compile in both environments?
To be sure you've recovered it fully, what I would do is create a new, empty accdb in whichever version you intend to use when actually working with this accdb, presumably in the Office, where you have the 32 bit version. Then import the existing tables from this borked accdb into it and make sure the relationships, indexes, etc. are all restored properly.
Then I would NOT mess with it again on the 64 bit Access computer. No guarantees one way or the other that that is the source of the problem, but, while you can run the accdb under either version--assuming the code has been properly converted to run in both environments and there are no incompatible 32bit ActiveX controls in the accdb--I would be very reluctant to introduce changes by altering it in the 64 bit version, including a C&R.