Forum Discussion

cmancas's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 26, 2020

VBA issue

Hi there!


I've been redirected here by the Office Customer Support, where I got the following session case number for today: 1008115744.


Unfortunately, as I live in Romania, Europe, my Office 365 license bought and renewed twice already is in Romanian, while my Windows 10 is in English.


I just created a small Access db with 4 tables and their forms. There are only ASCII characters in both the tables and the forms. In one of them I wrote a small vba method for the Form_BeforeUpdate event. I cannot test it because I got the message saying that my method cannot be run because there is a communication error with the OLE server or an ActiveX control.


I tried to attach the corresponding db file, but it was rejected.


Thank you in advance for your help,

Christian Mancas

  • Can you post your code?
    Does your code compile without errors?
    Have you tried an Office Repair?
    What Access build no are you currently running? Have you tried updating to see if it is an issue with that specific build?
    • cmancas's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you for your message Daniel_Pineault!


      1. Yes, code is compiling w/o errors; here it is:


      Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
      Dim EmbTimeZone, DestTimeZone As Variant
      Dim ETZ, DTZ, FlightMins, FlightH, FlightM As Integer

      On Error GoTo err_point
      If Not Me.NewRecord And Me!Embarkment = Me!Embarkment.OldValue And Me!Destination = Me!Destination.OldValue And Me!TakeOffLocDateTime = Me!TakeOffLocDateTime.OldValue And Me!LandingLocDateTime = Me!LandingLocDateTime.OldValue Then GoTo exit_point
      EmbTimeZone = DLookup("TimeZone", "CITIES", "x=" & DLookup("City", "AIRPORTS", "Embarkment=" & Me!Embarkment))
      ETZ = CInt(EmbTimeZone)
      DestTimeZone = DLookup("TimeZone", "CITIES", "x=" & DLookup("City", "AIRPORTS", "Destination=" & Me!Destination))
      DTZ = CInt(DestTimeZone)
      FlightH = IIf(ETZ * DTZ < 0, Abs(DTZ) + Abs(ETZ), Abs(DTZ - ETZ))
      FlightMins = Abs(CInt(DateDiff("n", Me!LandingLocDateTime, Me!TakeOffLocDateTime))) + FlightH * 60
      If FlightMins <= 0 Then
      Cancel = True
      MsgBox " ... and, instead, it is " & FlightMins & " minutes!", vbCritical, "Wrong data rejected: flight time should be strictly positive..."
      FlightH = FlightMins / 60
      FlightM = FlightMins Mod 60
      Me![FlightTime] = FlightH & ":" & FlightM
      End If
      Exit Sub
      Cancel = True
      MsgBox Err.Source & " -> " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error in method Form_BeforeUpdate of module OPTIONS..."
      End Sub


      2. No I did not repair Office: I do not think it needs, all other applications are working fine. Moreover, very complex Access applications that I developed in years under previous US Access versions are working fine even under this Romanian one as well.


      3. Being a subscription, I always have the latest version that is updated automatically immediately after such updates are available. Currently, it is compilation 130001.20384 of the 2006 version.


      Moreover, before contacting Microsoft, I tried one of the "solutions" circulating on the net, namely to change the international settings of Windows to Romania (instead of US), but in vain, the VBA code is not running either and Access is issuing the same error message.


      Thank you once more for your time and kindness,



      • cmancas's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        p.s. Stop is obviously inserted only for debugging purposes, but it is not reached.
