Forum Discussion
- George_HepworthSilver ContributorShow us the entire procedure so we have a way to understand what is actually happening.
- Bill_SternerCopper Contributor
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Hours, Minutes, Seconds As Integer
Seconds = Second(Time)
Minutes = Minute(Time)
Hours = Hour(Time)
Randomize (Hours * Minutes * Seconds)
stDocName = "app_Spotting_Rpt"
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
' Test for end of file
If Left(SH_RecordKey, 10) = "999-XX-XXX" Then
GoTo Form_Exit
End If
Call rtn_Visual_Ranges
Call rtn_Gun_Battery_1
If Target_11 > 0 Then
Ship_Number = Target_11
Call rtn_Update_Spotting
End If
If Target_12 > 0 Then
Ship_Number = Target_12
Call rtn_Update_Spotting
End If
If Target_13 > 0 Then
Ship_Number = Target_13
Call rtn_Update_Spotting
End If
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
GoTo Form_Loop
End SubPrivate Sub rtn_Gun_Battery_1()
GB_RecordKey = SH_RecordKey & "-G1"
Bty_1 = "G1"
Range_1 = [sub_Gun_Targets]![GB_Max_Range]
Target_11 = [sub_Gun_Targets]![GB_Target_1]
Target_12 = [sub_Gun_Targets]![GB_Target_2]
Target_13 = [sub_Gun_Targets]![GB_Target_3]
End SubPrivate Sub rtn_Update_Spotting()
Dim X_Diff, Y_Diff, Shp_X_Loc, Shp_Y_Loc, Tgt_X_Loc, Tgt_Y_Loc As Long
Dim Quadrant As Byte
Shp_X_Loc = SH_Curr_X_Loc
Shp_Y_Loc = SH_Curr_Y_Loc
Tgt_X_Loc = [sub_Target_Info]![SH_Curr_X_Loc]
Tgt_Y_Loc = [sub_Target_Info]![SH_Curr_Y_Loc]
X_Diff = Shp_X_Loc - Tgt_X_Loc
Y_Diff = Shp_Y_Loc - Tgt_Y_Loc
SR_Range = Int(Sqr(Abs(X_Diff) + Abs(Y_Diff)))
End SubPrivate Sub rtn_Visual_Ranges()
DX_RecordKey = [sub_Title]![SC_TimeofDay] & Left([sub_Title]![SC_Visibility], 1) & SH_Ship_Size
DX_Size_Neg2 = [sub_DX_Chart]![DX_Size_Neg2]
DX_Size_Neg1 = [sub_DX_Chart]![DX_Size_Neg1]
DX_Size_Zero = [sub_DX_Chart]![DX_Size_Zero]
DX_Size_One = [sub_DX_Chart]![DX_Size_One]
DX_Size_Two = [sub_DX_Chart]![DX_Size_Two]
DX_Size_Three = [sub_DX_Chart]![DX_Size_Three]
DX_Size_Four = [sub_DX_Chart]![DX_Size_Four]
Exit Sub
End SubPrivate Sub rtn_ErrorMsg()
ErrorSW = "Y"
End SubPrivate Sub ErrorMsg_Click()
ErrorSW = "N"
ErrorMsg = ""
End SubPrivate Sub cmd_Exit_Click()
End Sub- George_HepworthSilver ContributorThank you.
That's unlike any VBA I'm familiar with, primarily because of the GoTo: labels instead of more commonly seen Recordset looping. It's an older programming method that has lost favor, although I suspect it probably does work.
The problem might be that in your code, you call several other routines, such as "rtn_Gun_Battery_1" which issue Me.Refresh commands. It is possible, I think, that this is causing the form to lose it's place in the current recordset and return to the first record every time. Without data to test against, of course, I can't be certain, but that's what I would try to eliminate as the first trouble-shooting step.
Others may spot additional potential problems.- Bill_SternerCopper ContributorI have stripped down the module and I still only get the first record in the table. I have included the current version below. The ""tbl_Ships" only has four records with the SH_RecordKey field being four unique ship names.
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim SK5_Dbase As Database
Dim SK5_RecSet As Recordset
Dim RecKey As String
Set SK5_Dbase = CurrentDb
Set SK5_RecSet = SK5_Dbase.OpenRecordset("tbl_Ships")
Do Until SK5_RecSet.EOF
RecKey = SH_RecordKey
End Sub