Forum Discussion

Kayleigh865's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 05, 2021

Two users at once

I have a database developed that I need to be able to have two people working in at once, how do I get it to where if one person edits it on their computer it shows up without me having to exit the database? I’ve tried splitting it and it won’t let me open the database on the other computers
  • Kayleigh865 


    Email? Internal users are one thing. External would be another. I'm assuming both of you are in the same building....


    Here's a screenshot from my little home network of two computers. It shows the actual UNC from one to a folder on the other computer, starting at the "Network" and selecting the second computer, then drilling down its folders to the one I want.



    Here's that same location mapped as "G" (for this illustration only).

  • Yes you need to split the database
    Put the backend containing the tables on the network in a shared folder.
    Make sure you update the linked table locations in the frontend.
    Then give EACH user their own copy of the frontend database.
    This needs to be placed on their own workstation hard drive ...NOT on the network
    • Kayleigh865's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thank you so much for your response, I did all of these steps and when I edit a record on one computer the record isn’t showing up in the other still.
      • George_Hepworth's avatar
        Silver Contributor

        PMFJI. Due to time zone differences, Colin may be offline at the moment.

        If you are not able to see changes in the DATA and you believe you should be using the same linked tables in two different FE files, the problem could be down to a few different things.

        One, are you sure the tables in question are actually in a single accdb on a network in a shared folder? There should be one and only one shared accdb BE. All accdb FEs link to the tables in that one accdb.

        Is it possible that the tables in question remain in one or both of the accdb FEs? I.e. is one or both of the accdbs still using local tables, not the linked tables?

        Is it possible that there are also multiple accdb BE files? Is one person's FE could be linked to one accdb BE while another person's accdb FE is linked to a different accdb BE? Low likelihood, of course, but strange things happen.

        Is there an issue with form's refreshing? In other words, if the second user has a form open bound to a table, the new or changed records you enter in a different FE won't show up in that open form until it is refreshed (or requeried).

        If one of those things isn't behind this problem, further digging is called for.
