Forum Discussion
system resources exceeded error
I have just experienced this same error again: "Error #-2147024882: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded"
on a Win10 PC running Siemens WinCC - about 5 months after the first incident. A reboot of the Win10 solved the issue.
But is there some way to get a status from Microsoft on this issue?
Somewhere in this thread it appears that it is a recognized issue - but not indication of any actions.
Is it likely that Microsoft will issue a fix - of shall I keep using code to reboot in case of this error?
I don't see it listed on their official issues page
That said, I know they are at the very least very well aware about the general resource exceeded issue. As to what is being done, when we might see an actual fix is anyone's guess. Considering this has been an issue for months, years,. It's not looking very good.
I'd urge everyone having this issue to use the feedback button with Access to flag the issue, as well as post on . Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease!
- NevilleAJan 22, 2021Copper Contributor
My computer is 3 years old. 1.80GHZ Intel Core.
My theory is that after the error went when I closed teams, outlook etc, as the error did not appear, that this is a memory issue. Once the world replaces their computers, Microsoft won't have a problem to fix.
- Jake104E82Jan 22, 2021Copper Contributor
Interesting to see the list. I recognize the "[FIXED] Access error: "Query is corrupt" - as we experienced that as well after a Windows update. And solved it with a Microsoft Fix. Since that affected pretty much all Access applications, it got the attention fast...
Where exactly do I find "feedback button with Access"?
I would clearly like to be the squeaky wheel and draw attention to this issue - and have a fix made by Microsoft.
I can see, that we have this with Windows10. We have used Windows10 since end of 2017 but it appears not be for the first installations. I have not kept track of the exact version of Win10, but it appears have come with the later versions.
- NevilleAJan 22, 2021Copper Contributor
the problem first arose after MS had installed a W10 upgrade in about October.
As explained before, my Access processes were able to run after I had closed all MS applications. but without closing everything, system resources exceeded and they stop.