Forum Discussion

DougSaleeby's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 28, 2023

Email criteria query only "gmail"

What is the criteria for a query if I only want to email my customers with a "gmail" type email? I've tried a hundred things, Like "gmail"  Like "*gmail"  Like "" and every other variety inc...
  • George_Hepworth's avatar
    Jul 02, 2023


    This is how trouble-shooting works.

    Try one thing first, isolate the individual parts--in this case the criteria for email.

    Once you verify that it works as required, the next step is to add the second criteria, either the IN() clause for states or the word in the Notes field. 

    Once you verify the first two work as required, you can add the third and test again.


    I've repeatedly stated I can't test for you without adequate sample data. I can suggest SQL Syntax to use, but it's on you to verify it.


    There should be only ANDs between the three criteria, because you want all three to apply:

    In specific States AND with specific email hosts AND with a specific value in the Notes Field. 
