Forum Discussion
Delete Duplicates (leave 1)
Hello, I have duplicates in my table and I want to delete only 1 of them. I have searched on the net for some code and found the below and fashioned it to my case. I have an error though and it appears to be syntax. Do you see where I the error is? Also, if there is better code I am grateful for assistance.
Note: I am a novice user of access and not a programmer.
Delete duplicate records in ACCESS 2010. | Toolbox Tech
FROM [Import_Excel_wRepeats]
FROM [Import_Excel_wRepeats]
WHERE [Section] In
(SELECT [Section] FROM [Import_Excel_wRepeats] As Tmp
GROUP BY [Section], [short description]
HAVING Count(*) >1
And [short description] = [Import_Excel_wRepeats].[short description])
FROM [Import_Excel_wRepeats]
GROUP BY [Section], [short description]
HAVING Count(*) >1)
I'm just about to go out but have a look at the 2 example apps in the attached zip file which show two different approaches to thisHope one/both are of help
I'm just about to go out but have a look at the 2 example apps in the attached zip file which show two different approaches to thisHope one/both are of help
- arnel_gpSteel Contributorthis is from Allen Browne's site:
FROM [Import_Excel_wRepeats]
WHERE ID1 <> (SELECT Min(ID1) AS MinOfID FROM Table1 AS Dupe
WHERE (Dupe. [Section] = [Import_Excel_wRepeats].[Section]) AND (Dupe.[short description] = Table1.[short description]));- arnel_gpSteel Contributorforgot to change Table1 there:
FROM [Import_Excel_wRepeats]
WHERE ID1 <> (SELECT Min(ID1) AS MinOfID FROM [Import_Excel_wRepeats] AS Dupe
WHERE (Dupe. [Section] = [Import_Excel_wRepeats].[Section]) AND (Dupe.[short description] = [Import_Excel_wRepeats].[short description]));
- BrianWS1OBrass ContributorLet's all write to Microsoft and ask them to add a "DELETE DUPLICATES" query wizard in the next release. We've all had to come up with hacky workarounds to do this at some point or other and it shouldn't be such a chore!
The other way I kluge it together is to make a new empty copy of the data table, select the fields (columns) that should constitute a unique record and make them into a Primary Key and then build a query to insert the records from the table with the dupes into it. When Access squawks about not being able to append all the dupes just tell it to go ahead anyway. Then you wind up with a table with no dupes.To use the method you described, you should use a unique index for the fields that should not contain duplicates. Your suggestion of a composite primary key isn't necessary
- BrianWS1OBrass Contributor
True, either way works...if you're only using one field to identify duplicates. If you have to combine several fields to determine a unique record then as far as I know you'd need to create a multi-field PK