Forum Discussion

Tony2021's avatar
Steel Contributor
Sep 10, 2024

DateDiff with a Where Clause

Hello Experts,


I am trying to use a DateDiff to find the day count between 2 dates. 

I need a Where Clause (blue part)

I am getting a #error though. 

I am not sure if the where clause below is accurate? 

I am not sure if i can use a where clause with a "datediff" like I am doing. 


DayCountDD: Abs(DateDiff("d",[qryDrawsDecliningCumDrawn].[FundingDate],"ID=" & [qryDrawsDecliningCumDrawn].[ID] & " And [FirstOfIDDetailpk] < " & [qryDrawsDecliningCumDrawn].[FirstOfIDDetailpk],[DayLastBdMo]))


My original was like this and it does work (no #error) but the count is off since I dont have a where clause. 

DayCountDD: Abs(DateDiff("d",[qryDrawsDecliningCumDrawn].[FundingDate],[DayLastBdMo]))


Any thoughts are appreciated. 

thank you.

  • Hi,


    No matter how you formulate your WHERE statement, the DateDiff function does not have a WHERE part/argument. You therefore need a different approach.


    Perhaps a DLookUp with WHERE argument would help you to determine the first comparison value, but that would not be very performant.


    For more specific help, we would need a more detailed description.



    Access Forever News DevCon
    Access-Entwickler-Konferenz AEK - 19./20.10. Nürnberg

  • George_Hepworth's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    It's harder to offer suggestions on a partial SQL statement. Perhaps you can post the entire SQL from the query. The part that is shown doesn't appear to be valid SQL, but in isolation, I might be missing something. Rather than guess wrong, though, I'd rather see the entire query.

    Thank you.
  • Hi,


    No matter how you formulate your WHERE statement, the DateDiff function does not have a WHERE part/argument. You therefore need a different approach.


    Perhaps a DLookUp with WHERE argument would help you to determine the first comparison value, but that would not be very performant.


    For more specific help, we would need a more detailed description.



    Access Forever News DevCon
    Access-Entwickler-Konferenz AEK - 19./20.10. Nürnberg

    • Tony2021's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      thank you.  

      I have since then put together bits and pieces from a previous expert's response on a separate question and the following is what I came up with and it seems to give me what I need:


      SELECT D1.*, NZ((SELECT MIN(FundingDate)
      FROM tblDraws AS D2
      WHERE D2.ProjID = D1.ProjID
      AND D2.Type = D1.Type
      AND D2.FundingDate > D1.FundingDate)-FundingDate,0) AS DayCount
      FROM tblDraws AS D1
      ORDER BY ProjID, Type, FundingDate;


      Nested queries are hard for me to follow but I am getting better at them. 


      thank you for the response guys.  

