Forum Discussion

Moritz1003's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 04, 2023

Auto number with prefix

Hello,   In my database I have a table (table1) with the primary key (PK) Internal Claim Number (ICN) as an auto number with the format "2023"0000 (2023 as the year). This PK is linked to another t...
  • Moritz1003's avatar
    Sep 11, 2023
    For anyone that wants to recreate this, the problem was the "strSQL" part in the DMax function. Here is the code that works for me:
    Private Sub Sequence_Click()

    Dim currentYear As Integer

    ' Aktuelles Jahr aus dem aktuellen Datum ermitteln
    currentYear = Year(Date)

    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "Year([Claim_Year]) = " & currentYear

    Dim maxSeq As Variant
    maxSeq = DMax("[Sequence]", "_Auto_Number")

    If IsNull(maxSeq) Then
    Me.Sequence = 1 ' Wenn keine Datensätze für das aktuelle Jahr vorhanden sind, beginnen Sie mit 1.
    Me.Sequence = maxSeq + 1
    End If

    Me.SequenceDisplay = Format(Date, "yyyy") & "-" & Format(Me.Sequence, "0000")

    End Sub
