Forum Discussion
Access software size and users
We have in business and producion Access software. Simultaously users is max 30 and size about 200 to 400 mb. But system crash sometimes ( 2 times a day) and make backup copy. Is there way to test what
happened when system crash? Before crash system slows and size is expanding,.
Matti Haapaniemi
Hi Matti,
Some questions about your system:
- What files does your Access application consist of?
- Is the application split into frontend and backend file?
- Does each user have his own frontend file?
- Which file exactly is inflating?
- Are there any error messages before Access crashes?
********* Matti_HaapaniemiCopper ContributorHi
1. One file in server Access 2019 contains 10 tables
One file in workstations contains 200 queries, 100 forms, 30 reports , 120 macros
2. Backend in server and frontend in workstations
3. One frontend
4, File in server is inflating (maybe one of reports is doing this)
5. No error. Just slowing and stop system. New backup file is coming to server.
MattiI hope you mean one frontend for each user on their own workstation.
Are you using a persistent connection to the BE file? If not, I would recommend it
Does the frontend contain any tables e.g. 'temp' tables that are being written to on a regular basis?
Is Compact On close enabled in the FE? If so, disable it
One way you could test what happens before a crash is to test for available connections.
See Available Connections - Mendip Data Systems
If the number of available connections drops significantly, the FE will slow dramatically and then crash. If that is the cause, you can take remedial action to close objects when not in use