accdb database in inconsitent state
Hello everyone,
As of 1..2 weeks days we're encountering our accdb backend to get inconsistent regularly.
Background: We're running ca. 10 locally stored frontend accdbs which concurrently access a backend accdb hosted on a file share of a Windows 2012R2 domain/file server. The frontends are running on different versions of access starting with Access 2016, ending at Office 365 (C&R) -> Access Version 2307.
On our end, we change nothing. However - out of the blue - we encounter that some tables within the backend show up with much more rows (should be identical to the recordset.count value), than really exist. This leads to broken relations between items from different tables, which subsequently leads to a stucked Access most times. Sometimes one could heal by "repair&compress" but sometimes, the backend is within a state, where "repair&compress" could be started, but will then get stucked, as well.
We're using GUIDs as (primary-)indexes and the integrity check on all relations.
The size of the backend is ca. 23MB, so far away from the 2GB limit.
As this really comes out of the blue, my gut feeling says it should be related with any kind of Windows/Office update.
So, is anyone else here who encounters the same strange behavior? How to get to the root cause?
How to get rid of this? Productive operation is not possible at all in this buggy state.