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Microsoft SharePoint Blog

The Intrazone, episode 26: “Oh, the spaces you’ll go!”

Mark-Kashman's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 05, 2019


Today is your day.”

You’re off to great SharePoint spaces!

You’re online and away!


Are you ready to step into the next dimension of your intranet? That place beyond sight and sound. Where 360° spaces lure with immersive audio and bloom with 3D video bursting with depth and detail. This is not your ancestor’s SharePoint.


This episode of The Intrazone brings two mixed reality experts to you in full surround sound. Joining us today are Vidya Srinivasan, senior program manager and Bill Baer, senior product manager – your interactive tour guides ready to share and point all about SharePoint spaces. You’ll interact with content and information in real-time—visualizing data in your mind from every angle. It’s an audible deep dive into mixed reality experiences deigned for everyone, on any device. Tune in - don't SharePoint space out!



Within the episode you’ll also hear an audible tour of donning the headset as we try SharePoint spaces for the first time. There is a lot to experience for the first time. And we invite you to be this future – join us in Vegas for the SharePoint Conference (May 21-23) – where you can try SharePoint spaces for yourself at one of the two dedicated experiences booths.


Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 26 now.


The Intrazone is your bi-weekly conversation and interview podcast hosted by the Microsoft SharePoint team (

Left to right, top to bottom: Vidya Srinivasan – senior program manager (Microsoft) [guest], Bill Baer – senior product manager (Microsoft) [guest] and Mark Kashman – senior product manager (SharePoint/Microsoft) [co-host].

Link to people, articles and resources mentioned in this episode

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Be sure to visit our show page to hear all the episodes, access the show notes, and get bonus content. And stay connected to the SharePoint community blog where we’ll share more information per episode, guest insights, and take any questions from our listeners ( We, too, welcome your ideas for future episodes topics and segments via The Intrazone survey. Keep the discussion going in comments below; we’re hear to listen and grow.


Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 26 now.


Thanks for listening!

“It's opener, out there, in the wide, open air.” ― Dr. Seuss. The SharePoint team, like Dr. Seuss, wants you to unleash your creativity and content presentation throughout the year. We will do this, from inside and outside our collective sense of spaces, one episode at a time.



Mark “I am a hologram” Kashman, senior product manager (Microsoft 365)

The Intrazone links

The Intrazone, a show about the SharePoint intelligent intranet;

Updated Mar 05, 2019
Version 2.0
  • Joe-Gasper's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Dear SharePoint spaces team,

    It would be great to be able to have a space dynamically rendered from a SharePoint list containing required object parameters (rotation, angle, scale, xyx, actions, etc.) like the Visio team is doing with Excel data.

  • John Wynne's avatar
    John Wynne
    Silver Contributor
    I can’t hear the ‘cast 😢 I think only the cool kids can...*feels prehistoric*