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M365 Gov Community Call March - Notes and Video

Jay Leask's avatar
Jay Leask
Brass Contributor
Mar 12, 2021

I am very excited to announce to you the monthly M365 Government Community Call - a live(ish) call occurring the second Tuesday of every month led by and for the Government Community.


This monthly call will be based here, in the Microsoft PubSec Tech Community, will include six panelists covering the latest announcements for O365 GCC, GCC-H, and DOD tenants. While each month two slots will change based on topic and availability, it will be led by the following four community leaders:


  • Jeremy Wood (@geekwithin), Director of Policy & Planning at the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Organizer of Microsoft 365 for Government DC Users Group
  • Rima Reyes (@rimazima), Principal Program Manager for Government at Microsoft Teams Engineering
  • Sarah Gilbert (@singingtech), Community Technical Manager Public Sector at Microsoft
  • Jay Leask (@jayleask), Lead Modern Workplace Strategist at AvePoint Public Sector, Organizer at NOVA365 and Azure User Group

*Special thanks to the AvePoint Public Sector team who is managing our broadcast and providing all the wonderful graphics!!!


M365 Gov Community Call Notes


April 2021 #M365GovComCall





This month brought special guests Amie Seisay (LinkedIn), DC-area O365 and SharePoint solution provider, and Matthew Littleton (LinkedIn), Global Advanced Compliance Specialist at Microsoft.


In our inaugural episode we tried to focus on Microsoft Ignite, but as the Government Community is used to, there were not a lot of GCC, GCC-H, or DOD announcements last week. So, after a brief "what was cool and exciting" segment (have you seen Mesh? or Viva? And yes, we're assured Viva for GCC is ... on the way), we moved on to Government News from February and March. Here's a list of topics and some related links, to make sure you caught everything!



M365 Gov Community Calendar

Also, as part of our monthly community call we aim to provide a list of DC-area or Government specific events to ensure you know what is happening in the community. See below for events through the end of March:



Putting the "Community" in the Community Call

The M365 Gov Community Call is all about YOU - GCC, GCC-H, and DOD users in the Microsoft cloud, and we want to make sure you have a voice!


Monthly, second Tuesday, 11:30am Eastern 


Each month we will release a new episode on the SECOND TUESDAY at 11:30am. These will go live on this M365 Gov Community Call playlist - make sure you subscribe to get notifications! And seriously, this is happening and this is YOUR CALL.


Have questions? Post them here and tag myself or Sarah Gilbert! Tag any of us on Twitter: @geekwithin | @rimazima | @singingtech | @jayleask | @AvePointGov


Have an event? Again, let us know and we'd be THRILLED to include you in our Community Events segment!

Updated Mar 11, 2021
Version 1.0
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